Test boring rig set up for Cone Penetration Testing.

What is Cone Penetration Testing?

Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) is an in-situ method used in geotechnical engineering to assess the properties of soil. The process involves pushing a specialized probe, equipped with sensors, into the ground at a controlled rate. The probe’s conical tip helps it penetrate the soil, while simultaneously collecting key measurements.

Someone holding a probe used for Cone Penetration Testing.
The probe has a conical tip to help it penetrate the soil.

The probe collects three key measurements:

  1. Tip resistance – the tip reaction force while pushing the cone into the ground.
  2. Sleeve friction – the reaction force on the probe outer sleeve.
  3. Pore pressure – pressure of groundwater in tiny spaces between soil particles.

Among additional sensors are geophones that measure shear wave velocity at intervals throughout the explorations. Engineers use this data to assess soil behavior under dynamic loading conditions, especially for assessing liquefaction potential in earthquakes and designing foundations for structures subjected to vibrations. 

Computer used for Cone Penetration Testing.
Data can be viewed in real time.

Data is collected continuously and can be viewed in real time. This data provides geotechnical engineers with valuable insights into subsurface conditions, helping them evaluate the strength, stability, and composition of the soil.

Why choose CPT?

Cone Penetration Testing can reduce time and cost versus traditional drilling methods on some sites underlain by sands, silts, and clays.

While drilling typically requires waiting for samples to be collected and then analyzed in a laboratory, CPT provides real-time data.

CPT is more cost-effective compared to traditional drilling methods on certain sites. The combination of faster data collection and lower operational costs means that you save money, while still receiving reliable results.

Test boring rig set up for Cone Penetration Testing.
We can integrate our mobile CPT unit with our traditional test boring drill rigs to streamline your project.

Interested in adding CPT to your projects?

If you’re considering incorporating Cone Penetration Testing into your project, our mobile CPT unit and our experienced team members are ready to deliver.

We can seamlessly integrate CPT with our traditional test boring drill rigs. This hybrid approach gives you the advantage of both drilling methods, reducing the need for separate mobilizations or complex logistics. This integrated approach can streamline your project, saving you time and effort as part of your comprehensive assessment of subsurface conditions.

If you’re ready to incorporate Cone Penetration Testing into your next project, get in touch with us today.

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